yayyyy....2014.Cheers to the New year.Well a lot of things have changed in my life.And I believe my memory has gone bit bad with my old age as well:-)
Quickly I would like to reflect over the year 2013.
I am trying to forget all the worser-bad things that happened in 2013.And thanks to all the great,good and wonderful things that happened and I am proud of it.And looking forward for a better 2014.
1)I lived and survived 2013.Thank God.My greatest accomplishment.
2)Phew finally.....I got an HR Job in an NPO and I am loving it.
3)I travelled a lot & visited many new places.Hoping to continue:-)
4)I moved to a new house and different state.
5)I made new friends from my new place and community...yayyyy.And of course by the end of 2013 I made a few professional friends as well.
6)A good-bye to my sister by the beginning of 2013 and a big Hi to her once again by the end of 2013.Yes another travel.
7)Friends first and rest followed :-).I ensured that me and my man had strong arguments,little fights that made our love grow stronger.And Yes It is & I am falling for him again and again :-)
8)Happy to know that my old college mates and colleagues remembers me and all of them are doing great.
9)I strongly believe I didn't verbally or physically abused anyone.Good going !!!!
10)An year of visit to hospitals,doctors personally and for the family members.Personal loss,health problems,Money loss-still survived.
11)The worst thing that could have happened one of my aunts is no more- a tragic loss forever.May her soul RIP.
12)One of my friends has decided to end her marital relationship.Well its quite bothering but yes she is happy in her own way.
13)The worsest loss-the valiant ,Sincere (my pet-Appu) who was a favorite member of our family for the past 12 years is no more with us.I will miss him forever!!!
Things I could/should have done better
1)Probably could have saved more.
2)Stopped stressing and worrying about little things that could have spoiled my health.
3)Could have written better.
Well 2013 was a mixed year lot of happenings but life has to move on.Looking forward for an exciting and prosperous 2014.