Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Doogly Woogly-Part 1

How we showered our Care & Love towards the New Add-On to the family??

One day on August 14, 2001 around 3.30 PM after returning from my school I saw a small cutie in front of my home .His Black eyes sparkled with Innocence, Long Sharp-Ears but pointing downwards, Gentle and Gooey walk with Tiny paws, Softest Body- Fur color a mix of Light black -Brown  and fat around his neck,. And I realized it’s a Puppy in my home. He started barking with his low voice at me…Hopelessly.

 I went very close to him -spoke to him softly- touched him gently he started wagging his tail million times and started licking me J.That’s the first time he showed his love towards me !!!!

Next moment I raised Tons of questions to my Dad Who was patting the puppy - what’s happening? Is this doggy for us? Where are we going to make him stay??So many questions. But he bothered to hear only one  from those many questions-“”Oh yes-ur mummy doesn’t like Dogs”””….Now comes the thrilling part in it ((Yudh Bhoomi rachne khi saari sambhavana –Feel of a war Inside the home)).By then It was already 5.30 PM and it was time for my mom to return from the office & the worst thing she was bitten by a dog long back and she hates dogs.The moment she entered our home Puppy started barking at her.((Usko kya patha khi yeh ghar khi Maalkin hey J)).Getting a dog in her home was not there even in her rarest dreams. She screamed at us to take it away from home. And like any other day we started giving her false promises - will feed it, will take it for walk, will help him get a proper training, taking him for Loo and much more. We kept our promises for two days and back the busy days started again. And we realized puppies are a lot of work –It’s not only playing with them, not only feeding them- It is beyond that.

His Eyes Sparkled with Innocence

Eager to know what happened next??

Failing to fulfill our promise –Mom took her role as Caretaker rather caregiver; the truth is she plays her role best in that. Her New role as a Pet Parent. And then was the naming Ceremony-She didn't asked us –she called him APPU. We provided him a very big new Home ((with extra facilities in the cage)), separate utensils for his food-snacks-Milk-WaterJ;Puppy shots((Ante Rabies and Boosters)) for extra protection. 

Dada brought the chew Bones which APPU awaits when he comes from office. He never used to like the popular Dog brand foods instead he competes with the cutlet, sandwiches,Icecream ,Payasam,chocolates and specially the Bourbon biscuits   which we used to have. A main competitor for us in all ways.

Its His favorite Chew Bones

Mummy's most favorite ((Mammas Dulhara-he became just in days))!!!Yes, Jealous we were.APPU never felt ashamed when we scolded him but mummy’s one word is his world. 

By this time he started playing with us - annoying us and taking our badminton cork running away with it to divert our attention towards him Sleeping and Peeing on Mummy’s favorite Table Roses, Jumping high to get his playing ball, sometimes digging and storing his favorite meat underground, Rolling on Ground,taking our sandals and running around the home,biting the tap expecting water to come &&  many more acts like small innocent kids. He easily recognize the sound of dads vehicle from kilometers and wags his tails before daddy’s arrivals………That is his love and respect for him. APPU  is handsome & hence he always Judges a person by his looks-If someone comes well-dressed he always gives a second thought on to bark or not ((Of course about which we were little concerned)). 

After his shower 

Oh yes its snacks time

APPU can’t speak and he definitely needs someone to take care of him .But he asks, shows, feels, recognizes everything like us. He looks at us, Guards and protects us expecting nothing in return unlike Humans. He has a major role in the household just as we have. He has lived with us played many important roles and still continuing like a valiant ,Sincere,Honest guard for the past 10 years .No wonder they are known by Unique Nick name “Man’s Best Friend”.

Quoting the lines of Sir John Davies, in his epigram In Cineam (written in 1594), observed:

Thou sayest thou art as weary as a dog,
As angry, sick, and hungry as a dog,
As dull and melancholy as a dog,
As lazy, sleepy, idle as a dog.
But why dost thou compare thee to a dog?
In that for which all men despise a dog,
I will compare thee better to a dog.
Thou art as fair and comely as a dog,
Thou art as true and honest as a dog,
Thou art as kind and liberal as a dog,
Thou art as wise and valiant as a dog."

A very few can understand what is in it…..For those Few who have lived with dogs who has understood what friendship ,trust ,care ,Love ,Compassion, Patience and Honesty is.And how to love unconditionally .............

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

In pursuit of happiness

Here for Travel Bugs who are in pursuit of happiness .
If you love travelling you already knows it and if you don't here is a wonderful article presenting the facts how and why can travel keep us happy?

Click on the below link & Happy reading and gear up :-)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mind Reading

Some times I wish I should have Joined the Human Psychology , Behavioral classes or mind reading  to understand how people are.Are they really the real them when they are with us???Sounds complicated .....ahhh???

A point at which your life gets completely struck….to choose((rather Identify )) among the people who are really true, honest & Unselfish . This is when I wish I could read the mind of people ((Knowing it would be a complete invasion of privacy)) instead of Getting into Heated arguments, debates, conversations and false assumptions which wouldn't be always necessary.

Haha I know its impractical JJ.Sometimes I feel its really important.....<<Keeping apart the impracticality>> I can always dream about it. What say???